Google Quantum Computer: Revolutionising the Future

Google Quantum Computer Revolutionising the Future
Google Quantum Computer

Quantum computing is not longer some far off dream—it’s something that is already unfolding. Quantum Computer is Among modern technology titans, Google is at the forefront of this radically new area – the company’s AI subsidiary, Google AI Quantum works on the project of the same name – Quantum AI. So in this article thanks to information gathered from various reputable sources we will be in a position to understand; what quantum computing is, the recent achievements made by Google and the implication on various industries.

What Is Quantum Computing?

Traditional computers, or classical computers, process data using bits, which can exist in one of two states: 0 or 1. This binary system is common in most computing applications in today’s world but it has its drawbacks, especially, for large data processing applications that require complex processing algorithms.

While, traditional computers utilise binary bits, quantum computers employ quantum bits, known as qubits that work on the quantum mechanics fundamentals. Unlike classical bits, qubits can exist in multiple states simultaneously, thanks to two key phenomena. Most well-known are superposition and entanglement. Superposition means a qubit can be in state 0 and/or state 1 at the same time and entanglement means that qubits can link with each other. So that state of one qubit depends on the other one regardless the distance between these qubits.

Google’s Quantum Breakthrough: Quantum Supremacy

The book by Fermi describes some of the top recent discoveries, and among them. A business case can be classified the recent announcement made in October 2019 by Google. That it had earned quantum supremacy—a significant breakthrough in the sphere of quantum computing. Quantum supremacy is the measure of a quantum machine’s capacity to solve a problem beyond the capability of classical computation or take a prohibitively long time to computer.

Sycamore, a quantum processor developed by Google, solves test problem in 200 seconds for which Google said the world’s most powerful supercomputer would have needed 10,000 years. This means that for the first time, a quantum computer was able to solve a problem. Which classical computers are unable to solve and provided a clear view of the usefulness of quantum technology.

Although the problem solved by Sycamore was not very useful in day-to-day in life. This Q algorithm was proven to be very important. It captured the essence of a key goal of quantum computing—able to provide results. After which classical computing cannot catch up, a significant start in the practical realm.

The Future of Google’s Quantum Computing

The Future of Google’s Quantum Computing

After performing quantum supremacy, Google also expanded on its quantum computation technology with the purpose to create a fault-tolerant quantum computer. One that can do meaningful calculations without errors due to noise and qubit fluctuations. This still a goal easier said than done as qubits very sensitive and can easily be influenced by their environment.

Google has defined realistic deadlines: they expect to create a completely usable quantum computer adapted to solve practical problems by the end of the ten-year plan. If successful, this technology could lead to breakthroughs in a variety of fields, including:

  1. Pharmaceuticals and Chemistry: Quantum computers could accurately simulate complex molecular structures, allowing researchers to develop new drugs and materials faster than ever before.
  2. Optimisation Problems: Quantum algorithms could optimise supply chains, financial portfolios, and even traffic systems with unparalleled efficiency.
  3. Artificial Intelligence: Quantum computing could significantly enhance machine learning algorithms, speeding up data processing and enabling more advanced AI models.
  4. Cryptography: Quantum computers could crack many of today’s cryptographic systems, which rely on the difficulty of factoring large numbers. However, they could also pave the way for quantum encryption, which would be virtually unbreakable.

Challenges Ahead

Despite its potential, quantum computing still faces several significant challenges:

  • Error rates: Current quantum systems are prone to errors due to the fragility of qubits. Building a system that can correct these errors automatically is a key challenge in achieving fault-tolerant quantum computing.
  • Scaling: Google and other tech companies are working on scaling up the number of qubits in their quantum processors. Sycamore, for example, had 54 qubits, but practical applications will likely require thousands or even millions of qubits.
  • Energy and Cost: Quantum computers need to operate at extremely low temperatures, close to absolute zero, which requires sophisticated and expensive cooling systems. Reducing the operational cost is essential for broader adoption.


Google’s work in quantum computing represents the cutting edge of technological innovation, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in computation. While we are still in the early stages of quantum computing. The progress made by Google and other researchers is paving the way for a future where problems once thought insurmountable can be solved in seconds. If quantum computers can overcome their current limitation. They will transform industries, revolutionise scientific research, and open up entirely new possibilities in the world of technology.

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